
Opening: 15/12/2016 at 17:00 – 19:00
Open: 15-16-17-18 and 21-22-23 december 12:00 – 17:00
Location: Stroinkbleeksweg 2, 7523 ZL, Enschede
Visit for more information the Facebook event

“The train leaves at 5.30 in the morning. I’m standing here with my mom and a group of other children holding their parents hands. “I put your sandwiches in the left side pocket”- she said. I’m hoping there is one with ham and pickle. I like pickles. Finally the train is here, the teacher jump first, then let the children in and slowly counting them.. 1, 2, 3…39, 40. “OK, we have everybody, say goodbye to your parents”. As we do I check my sandwiches. None has pickles. I guess It’s not a perfect start of summer camp.”

Anna Raczynska (b.1990, Poland) graduated in 2015 with a master degree on Academy of Fine Art and Design in Wroclaw – Sculpture department. Her work can be taken as a recurring attempt to access a world less crude than our current. Carefully crafted sculptures and installations are all drawing from the visual reality of daily life but yet ignoring most rules of naturalistic resemblance by drastically altering size, material or context in an often abstractive manner. Her viewers are left in the void between empathy and mockery, in confronting situations that appeal to everyone’s very own humane core – would you laugh if I dropped my ice cream?


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